Monday, March 29, 2010

A Higher Education

As I apply to MBA programs far and wide, I have realized this process is truly a mini crisis in my life. Essay after essay, recommendations, applications - and lets not even mention the GMAT preparation involved! The other day I was emailed a link from the Graziadio School of Business and Management that I found to be very helpful. As opposed to, which I find very cut and dry, the GMAT club offers a more interactive approach to the process. Discounts, forums, school rankings, interview tips, and GMAT tools are available and easy to access. Best wishes to all those embarking on this challenge with me!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mentor-Mentee Relationships

Finding a mentor that will nurture your career will greatly enhance your professional development. A mentor has been there and done that!  This confidant can provide you with advice on everything from entrepreneurial strategy to feedback on your ideas. A mentor should be someone who you aspire to mirror. In order to secure your dream mentor - some minor stalking may be involved ;). 
The following advice will help you to develop repore and make the most out of a mentor-mentee relationship!
~Define your goals prior to developing a relationship
~Research your mentor
~Always be equipped  with discussion topics/questions
~Bring something to the table so that both parties benefit 
~Follow up regularly
~Show face / be proactive in maintaining the relationship
~Listen, implement and act on advice
~Thank your mentor (gifts welcomed)  
~Never forget who helped you!!!!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Your Daily Motivation

"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore"
~Lady Gaga

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ladies Who Launch

While writing my business plan, I find it difficult to translate words into actions. Strategizing the game plan on paper is easy, but where do I go from there? For example, the first step in my business plan is to trademark my name and logo??? Easy to say but harder to do. The SBA website is useful, but still a bit overwhelming in the beginning.  I recently stumbled upon this amazing website, Ladies Who Launch. From business plans to industry connections, this resource is a one stop shop for women entrepreneurs. Simply stated ~ I think I've found my starting point!

Monday, February 15, 2010

How Do You Compare?

At 22 years old, most people would say that I am pretty successful for my age ~ but I beg to differ. I feel there are numerous young adults more successful, intelligent, well networked, and more goal oriented than myself. I read about these success stories everyday, stories about twenty something year old entrepreneurs who change the game. These articles frighten me, I suddenly feel like I am wayyyy behind the rest. I know I am going a little overboard but what I am getting at is this ~ compare yourself to those who you aspire to mirror. I see too many individuals comparing themselves only to their immediate sphere of influence. You can easily deem yourself successful when comparing your accomplishments to those who have achieved less. I altered this quote, but like the saying goes "It will be difficult to soar with the eagles if you compare yourself to turkeys."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Your Daily Motivation

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
~Conrad Hilton

Monday, February 8, 2010

Girl On Top

Girl On Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Successes 
I read an expert from this book on the Forbes Woman website. Sources claim that this book skips the bullshit and provides honest advice. Nicole Williams takes 20 dating rules and shows you how to apply them to your career. Below is a excerpt from the book ~ Enjoy!

"Just like our tendency is to throw out the rule book and call, and call, and call, and call the super hot dude you can’t help but imagine is “the one,” you’re going to come across the job, the boss, the client you can’t imagine yourself living without, and it’s exactly here where you need play the game. Finding, catching, and building a relationship with a beau simply isn’t so different from finding, catching, and building a relationship with a boss... And for those of you who think you’re above playing games in love or in career, good for you... have fun in the mailroom." 
-Nicole Williams, Girl on Top